The Hobart Rotary Club is holding its Annual Farmers' Luncheon on Saturday, January 15, 2011 from noon to 2 p.m. at the Community Hall, Cornell Avenue in Hobart. the luncheon will feature a special presentation, "COST EFECTIVE RENEWABLE ENERGY OPTIONS FOR LOCAL FARMS" with Dick Riseling and Sonja Hedlund of Apple Pond Farm in Calicoon. The couple have combined energy technologies and found the way to make their farm run eessentially independent of outside energy sources. NYSERDA incentives made the energy improvements possible with payback periods of 10 years or less for installed technologies. Dick and Sonja will talk about the trends and opportunities in renewable energy and how you can apply them on your farm.
Please RSVP by January 10th to reserve your seat call John Adams at 607-538-9983 or email
Check out this article from the Syracuse Post-Standard that outlines what the NYSERDA program is and what's available to 36,000 NYS farmers...